

                 TOUR USA

The USA means 50 different places and states of mind, spread out over some 3.6 million square miles. It’s 2,500 miles from New York to Los Angeles, and that again to Hawaii, so if you wake up in Louisiana, you’ll see a different horizon, be in a different time zone, have a different major urban area, and have a different favorite team than if you wake up in Albuquerque.
While we think of ourselves as “American,” despite the influence of TV, suburban sprawl, strip malls, and chain restaurants, the United States hasn’t yet become a monolithic place. Each region still speaks with its own accent, enjoys its own favorite foods, and has its own political and social attitudes. Whatever you want to see, do, or eat, you’re likely to find it within the vast and diverse confines of the United States of America.

The images of the country are embedded in the mind of every traveler: endless highways cutting through shimmering deserts; forests of skyscrapers towering over urban jungles; acres of beaches dotted with surfboards; high mountain peaks and green river valleys; magnificent feats of engineering, from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Hoover Dam. The country’s emblems are so familiar that they constitute as much a part of the world’s culture as its own – Lady Liberty, the Grand Canyon, the Empire State Building, the US Capitol, the “Hollywood” sign, the list goes on.

The combination of a shoot-from-the-hip mentality with laissez-faire capitalism and religious fervor can make the USA maddening at times, even to its own residents. But what’s most surprising, perhaps, is how such an initially daunting land can prove so enticing – its vibrant mix of peoples, striking landscapes and city skylines, and rich musical, cinematic, and culinary heritage seduce almost every visitor in the end.

And for all of its pride and bluster, the USA can be a land of quiet nuances: snow falling on a country lane in Vermont, cherry trees blooming under Washington memorials, alligators swimming through the bayou. You could easily plan a trip that focuses on the out-of-the-way hamlets, remote wilderness, eerie ghost towns, and forgotten byways that are every bit as “American” as its showpiece icons and monuments. Putting aside the sheer size of the place, deciding exactly what version of America you want to see may be the hardest decision of all.